How to craft a powerful pitch to business investors: The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide

Have you ever watched the TV Show “Shark Tank”?

It is an entertaining show featuring budding entrepreneurs pitching their new service or product to six celebrity investors (the “sharks”). As part of their pitch, the entrepreneurs offer the sharks a financial stake in their venture.

Here’s one unique pitch from the show, asking the sharks to invest in a professional mail-sharpening service.

It was such a compelling pitch, that the sharks fought amongst themselves to invest in the service!

Notice how this pitch was presented, what was covered, how the entrepreneurs articulated what they needed from the sharks, the questions the sharks asked and what helped “seal the deal.”

My recommendation is to watch lots of the Shark Tank episodes to get inspiration. Let your creative juices run wild. These episodes are great food for thought.

Do you want to unlock new business opportunities, secure investments, and propel your venture to new heights?

Whether you're a startup founder or a seasoned entrepreneur, mastering the art of crafting an irresistible pitch to business investors, is critical to your success.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to crafting a compelling pitch that not only captures attention, but also wins the hearts and financial backing of your audience.

Step 1: Know Your Audience

Before you start crafting your pitch, strive to understand your investors and put yourself in their shoes.

Are there any acronyms or specialised language or concepts you need to explain?

What are their interests, goals, values, and levels of expertise?

Tailor your pitch, making it clear and understandable and focusing on aspects of your business that resonate the most strongly with your audience of investors.

Step 2: Start with a bang

First impressions do matter!

Your opening should grab your audience’s attention from the get-go.

Begin with a compelling story, a surprising fact, or a bold statement that highlights the problem your business intends to solve.

This isn’t purely about grabbing attention - it’s about making your audience curious and setting the stage for why your solution is revolutionary.

Here’s an example of an attention-grabbing opening:

"Imagine a world where cutting-edge technology transforms industries, and your investment isn't just a financial decision, but a leap into the future. That's the world our startup is creating."

Check out this blog post on all the various ways you can start your speeches and presentations with a bang.

Step 3: Clearly Define the Problem and Your Solution

Articulate the problem your venture solves with clarity and precision.

Describe the problem in simple, relatable terms.

Use vivid examples or anecdotes to make the problem feel real.

And then unveil your solution.

Your solution should come across as a beacon of hope, a clear answer to the pressing issue you've just highlighted.

Emphasise how your solution addresses the identified problem uniquely. Home in on the benefits and what sets your solution apart from existing products/services on the market.

Use visuals, demonstrations, or prototypes to make your solution tangible. Showcase the competitive edge that sets your venture apart in the market.

Notice in the Shark Tank Episode about the KnifeAid knife sharpening service above, how the sharks get to experience the problem first-hand for themselves, cutting a piece of hemp with a blunt knife. And then cutting the same piece of hemp with a beautifully sharpened knife – the solution.

Step 4: Present your Market Analysis

Understanding your market is critical.

Present data on market size, growth potential, and your target demographic.

Use this section to prove there's a hungry market waiting for your solution. It’s about showing, not just telling, that the opportunity is ripe.

Investors want to see tangible evidence of potential success - Share success stories, user testimonials, or partnerships that validate the demand for your product or service.

Discuss how you plan to make money. Detail your business model succinctly, focusing on scalability, revenue streams, and market opportunity. This is where you demonstrate not just viability but profitability.


"Already embraced by industry leaders, our solution boasts a 200% increase in user engagement within just six months of launch. Market demand is not a projection; it's a reality we're actively shaping."

Step 5: Showcase Your Team's Expertise

Investors invest in people as much as they invest in ideas. Introduce your team, emphasizing their expertise, achievements, and commitment to the venture's success.

Show how each member's unique skills contribute to the success of your venture. A great team often makes the difference between success and failure.

Instil confidence in investors that your team has the skills to turn the vision into reality.


"Our team, with a combined experience of over three decades in tech innovation, is not just building a product; we're crafting a legacy. Meet the minds behind the disruption – a team driven by passion, expertise, and an unyielding dedication to excellence."

Step 6: Outline Your Marketing and Sales Strategy

How do you plan to reach your customers?

Detail your marketing and sales strategy, emphasizing your understanding of the customer journey.

Highlight innovative or cost-effective strategies to make your pitch stand out from the pack.

Step 7: Address Risks and Mitigations

Acknowledge if there are any potential risks associated with your venture.

Investors appreciate complete transparency.

However, don't just highlight the risks; present well-thought-out mitigation strategies that showcase your preparedness and adaptability.


"While every venture has its risks, we've meticulously mapped out contingency plans and embraced a culture of continuous improvement. Challenges aren't roadblocks; they're opportunities for innovation."


Step 8: Discuss financials

Be prepared with clear, concise financial projections.

Include your current financial status, projected revenues, and a break-even analysis.

Detail how the investment will be utilised and the expected return on investment (ROI).

Ensure your numbers are realistic – optimism is well and good, but credibility is better.


"Your investment isn't just a financial infusion; it's a catalyst for exponential growth. Our conservative projections anticipate a 300% ROI within the first two years, with a clear path to sustainable profitability thereafter."

Step 9: End with a Powerful Closing

End your pitch on a high note.

Leave a lasting impression with a compelling closing that summarises the key points and reinforces the excitement and potential of your venture.

End with a call to action, inviting investors to join you on this transformative journey.

As part of your call-to-action, spell out your “Ask”.

Be clear about how much investment you're seeking and what it will be used for. Break down the allocation of funds in a way that reassures investors they're making a wise choice. Also, indicate what’s in it for them, be it equity, repayments, or other benefits.

Check out this blog post on all the various ways you can end your speeches and presentations with impact.

Step 10: Be irresistible!

Now that you’ve crafted your pitch, how do you make it truly irresistible to potential investors?

Answer: In your amazing delivery and preparedness!

Here are some final tips that can make all the difference between a bland pitch and a winning pitch:

  • Be Passionate: Your enthusiasm can be infectious. Let your passion for your business shine through, making it clear you’re committed heart and soul.

  • Simplify Complex Ideas: Use simple language and avoid jargon. If a ten-year-old can understand your pitch, you’re on the right track.

  • Be Memorable: Use memorable phrases, analogies, or even humour (where appropriate) to make your pitch stick in the minds of your investors long after you've left the room.

  • Prepare for Pushback: Anticipate potential questions or objections investors might have and prepare clear, concise responses. This shows you’ve thought of everything.

  • Practice, Practice, Practice: Rehearse your pitch in front of friends, family, or advisors to get feedback. This will help you refine your delivery and improve your confidence. 


Crafting the perfect pitch is part art and part science. It requires a strategic blend of storytelling, data-driven insights, and a genuine connection with your audience.

By following these steps, you'll not only create a stand-out pitch, but also establish a foundation for long-lasting partnerships with the investors who share your vision and enthusiasm.

Remember, your pitch is more than a presentation; it's an opportunity to inspire and ignite belief in the potential of your new venture. 

© 2024 Susan Weser.  All rights reserved.

Susan Weser is the Founder of Speaking2Win, a boutique public speaking and presentation skills consultancy, based in Melbourne, Australia. Susan’s mission is to demystify public speaking and presenting. She loves to fast-track her clients’ public speaking success, empowering them with the skills and confidence to excel in all their public speaking endeavours.

Man standing in a conference room, delivering a pitch to investors
Susan Weser